Do you have what it takes to join our pawsome team of volunteers?
Twice a year SFDR open applications for volunteers who can make a monthly commitment to help out at our shelter, 60min from CANBERRA (in the Tarago/Bungendore area).
The role involves cleaning enclosures, walking, feeding and grooming animals. Shifts are typically 9am-3pm, weekend and weekday spots available.
We can also help TAFE and Uni students (Vet and Vet Bioscience) to meet placement requirements for animal related courses!
Note: a car is required for this role, volunteers must be 18yo and over, animal experience is preferable.
We are no longer based in Sydney and due to distance (2-3 hours), we cannot take on Sydney based volunteers.
As well as our program for day volunteers SFDR run a live-in volunteer program for overseas visitors who can live and work with wildlife at our sanctuary.
A minimum 6 week commitment is required. Live-in Volunteers work 9am-3 or 4pm 5 days a week (2 days off). Volunteering is hard work and involves cleaning enclosures, feeding, grooming and walking dingoes (10-15km walking a day).
Basic 'outback' accommodation, food, wifi and amenities are provided by SFDR during your stay.
This volunteering is in a flood/bushfire affection region and can count toward the Working Holiday Visa requirements.
Email: info@SFDR.org for more information on how to apply.